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Missions-Career Quests

Discussion in Feedback & Complaints started by Philandra
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Joined:May 31, 2020
4 years ago #1

For Career Quest F2 it states, "Career Quest Community Kickstarter : (Forum) Create a thread or reply to a thread 5 times."

However, when you create a thread, it does not recognize as completion of this Daily Task. 

(Not sure if others have noticed this either. Thought I'd throw it out there so the description could be changed or if a solution is found.) 

For Career Quest F2 it states, "Career Quest Community Kickstarter : (Forum) Create a thread or reply to a thread 5 times."

However, when you create a thread, it does not recognize as completion of this Daily Task. 

(Not sure if others have noticed this either. Thought I'd throw it out there so the description could be changed or if a solution is found.) 

Joined:Dec 29, 2019
4 years ago #2

Thanks for letting us know, we will fix it right away

Thanks for letting us know, we will fix it right away

Joined:May 01, 2020
4 years ago #3

Yeah weird philly when I remember back it made me do the 5 comment reply instead.

Yeah weird philly when I remember back it made me do the 5 comment reply instead.

Joined:May 31, 2020
4 years ago #4

Yeah.  It's all fine and dandy - just don't tease me with making a thread and still not completing the task, LoL!

Yeah.  It's all fine and dandy - just don't tease me with making a thread and still not completing the task, LoL!

Joined:May 07, 2020
4 years ago #5

what is going on

what is going on

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