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their sure r alot of hackers coming to our PNC server
Didn't green give you guys admin? Why cant you ban them?
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
I'll make sure to spectate, since i always play 1 minute then get ADHD and OCD ASF lol
[quote user="Sneaky.amxx" postid="795"]
[/quote postid="795"]
ive been banning them left and right..the little bastards
[quote user="Philandra" postid="797"]
[/quote postid="797"]
all u do is complain... even when we were in the server earlier with that wallhacking douche bag... u complained but u never did anything bout it
hola, soy muy nuevo, no llevo ni una hora, me tradean una skin de scout?
trade scout
their sure r alot of hackers coming to our PNC server
their sure r alot of hackers coming to our PNC server
Didn't green give you guys admin? Why cant you ban them?
Didn't green give you guys admin? Why cant you ban them?
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
I'll make sure to spectate, since i always play 1 minute then get ADHD and OCD ASF lol
I'll make sure to spectate, since i always play 1 minute then get ADHD and OCD ASF lol
Didn't green give you guys admin? Why cant you ban them?
[quote user="Sneaky.amxx" postid="795"]
Didn't green give you guys admin? Why cant you ban them?
[/quote postid="795"]
ive been banning them left and right..the little bastards
ive been banning them left and right..the little bastards
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
[quote user="Philandra" postid="797"]
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
[/quote postid="797"]
[quote user="Philandra" postid="797"]
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
[/quote postid="797"]
[quote user="Philandra" postid="797"]
I don't see Brad holding back from banning anyone.... I just see him as making a point to complain. LoL
[/quote postid="797"]
all u do is complain... even when we were in the server earlier with that wallhacking douche bag... u complained but u never did anything bout it
all u do is complain... even when we were in the server earlier with that wallhacking douche bag... u complained but u never did anything bout it
hola, soy muy nuevo, no llevo ni una hora, me tradean una skin de scout?
hola, soy muy nuevo, no llevo ni una hora, me tradean una skin de scout?
trade scout
trade scout